PPC Management

PPC Management Services

What Is PPC Campaign Management?

PPC campaign management is the process of planning, executing, monitoring and optimizing a pay-per-click advertising campaign. At OmniLyft, we offer a comprehensive PPC management services package that covers everything from campaign development and keyword research to ad creation and ongoing optimization.

What Do PPC Services Include? 

Here’s a look at our complete PPC management service offering:

  • Campaign development. We start every campaign by helping you define your goals and target audience. We then conduct extensive keyword research to identify the best keywords to target.
  • Ad creation. Next, we create high-performing ads designed to generate clicks and conversions.
  • Bid management. Once your campaign is live, we continuously monitor and adjust your bids to ensure you get the most out of your PPC spend.
  • Campaign optimization. Through monitoring the critical indexes of your PPC campaign, we identify opportunities for optimization and make the necessary changes to improve performance.
  • Reporting Progress. Finally, we provide detailed monthly reports showing exactly how your campaign is performing and where we can continue improving results.

PPC campaign management is a complex process that requires a great deal of experience and expertise.

What Is the Benefit of Paid PPC Management Services?

There are many benefits of working with a PPC management company. First and foremost, an excellent pay-per-click management services agency will save you time. Managing a successful campaign is a full-time job, requiring a great deal of experience and expertise.

By working with a specialized management company, you can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business while leaving the day-to-day management of your campaign to the experts.

In addition to saving you time, a good PPC management company will also save you money. Through experience and expertise, talented agencies will have developed a process for managing campaigns designed to get the most out of your budget.

Finally, a good PPC management company will also help you grow your business. A successful PPC campaign can generate significant revenue for your business, and a good PPC agency will help you scale your campaign so that you can continue to grow your business.

How High in the Search Results Will My Ad Appear?

There’s no guarantee that your ad will appear in the top spot on the search results page. However, several factors influence where your ad appears:

  • The quality of your ad. Search engines use a quality score to determine where your ad should appear. 
  • The quality of your keywords. The better the quality of your keywords, the more likely your ad is to appear in a higher position.
  • The bid amount. Bidding on ad space is similar to bidding on an auction. Advertising space tends to go to the highest bidder. However, it’s important to remember that your bid amount is just one factor that determines where your ad appears.

Google and other search engines use the following factors to determine the quality of your ad. 


The largest factor that determines your quality score is the relevance of your keywords to your ad. If your keywords are relevant to your ad, you’re more likely to have a high-quality score. Relevance is determined by how closely related the keyword is to the products or services you’re advertising.

When researching keywords for a pay-per-click marketing campaign, we consider these five questions to find the sweet spot of relevance:

  • What are people searching for?
  • What are my competitors bidding on?
  • What keywords have a high click-through rate?
  • What is the quality score of the keyword?
  • What is the difficulty of ranking for the keyword?

The ideal combination of keywords is:

  • Relevant to your product or service.
  • Often searched (high search volume)
  • Not too competitive.

Ad Copy

Your ad copy is the text of your ad. The quality of your ad copy influences your quality score. To write effective ad copy, we focus on the following: 

  • Creating a unique selling proposition.
  • Highlighting the benefits of your product or service.
  • Using strong calls-to-action.
  • Writing ad copy that’s relevant to your keywords.

Landing Page

When someone clicks on an ad, they should land on a page that’s relevant to the ad they clicked. If the ad is for a specific product or service, the landing page should provide more information about that product or service. If the ad is general, the landing page should provide more information about the business.

High-converting landing pages are designed to achieve these goals:

  • A clear and concise headline.
  • Copy that is compelling to the reader.
  • A strong call-to-action.
  • Contains relevant images or videos.
  • A smooth and easy user experience.

A high-quality landing page will result in a lower cost-per-conversion and a higher quality score. At OmniLyft, our experienced PPC managers can help you get the most out of your campaign. We can help you select the right keywords, create effective ads and bid strategically to ensure your ad appears in a high position on the search results page.

How Effective Is PPC Advertising?

When managed correctly, PPC advertising can be an extremely effective way to generate leads and sales for your business. However, pay-per-click advertising is not a magic bullet, and our results-driven approach to PPC management ensures that your campaigns convert at the highest possible rate.

What Is a PPC Conversion?

A PPC conversion is a sale or lead generated from a pay-per-click ad. A conversion can occur when a user clicks on an ad and then makes a purchase on your website or when a user clicks on an ad and fills out a form to request more information about your product or service.

A reasonable conversion rate is key to a successful PPC campaign, and that rate is entirely dependent on the metrics of your particular campaign. However, a 2-3% conversion rate is generally considered good.

What’s Included in Monthly Management?

Our pay-per-click services help you get the most out of your PPC campaigns. Our monthly management packages include:

  • Managing keywords and active bids.
  • Reviewing your landing page performance.
  • Adjusting ad placement.
  • Adjusting targeting.
  • Adding negative keywords.
  • Reporting on campaign performance.
  • Analyzing the return on investment.
  • Optimizing the ad targeting.
  • Checking in with you regularly.

Why Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising a Great Investment?

PPC advertising is an excellent investment for three main reasons:

  1. It’s an effective way to generate leads and sales for your business.
  2. It’s a relatively low-cost form of marketing, which means it’s an affordable way to test new products and services.
  3. Pay-per-click advertising is highly measurable, so we can track your return on investment and adjust your campaigns as needed.

Pay-per-click advertising is an excellent option if you’re looking for an effective way to grow your business.

What Are Negative Keywords?

Keywords are an integral part of any pay-per-click campaign. However, it’s important to remember that not all keywords are created equal. In addition to selecting positive keywords, we also choose negative keywords.

Negative keywords are words or phrases that you don’t want your ad to show up for. For example, if an advert promotes running shoes, we would add negative keywords such as “loafers” and “sandals.” This ensures that your ad only appears for relevant searches.

What Is Remarketing?

Another effective way to grow your business with pay-per-click advertising is remarketing. Remarketing is a form of targeted advertising that allows you to show ads to users who have already visited your website. Often referred to as retargeting, this type of advertising helps keep your brand top-of-mind and encourages users to return to your site and make a purchase.

For example, if someone visits your website and then leaves without making a purchase, we can show them targeted ads as they browse the web, reminding them of your product and encouraging them to return to your site and buy.

Remarketing is an effective way to improve your return on investment and grow your business.

How We Can Help You Grow Your Business

A marketing strategy that includes pay-per-click advertising can be an effective way to grow your business. The art lies in casting a wide net with your ads and then using keywords, remarketing and other targeted methods to ensure that your ads reach the right people. It’s a delicate balance between a numbers-game approach and a targeted approach, and our team of experts is here to help you navigate it.

Contact us today if you’re looking for a partner to help you grow your business. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and develop a customized plan to help you achieve your goals.